Trying to get in touch with a department, administrative office, a person or a service? Here you can find tools and contact details.
Visiting addresses and contact details
Here you will find visiting addresses and contact information for general services at European Union University.

Office of the Admission
In order to contact us about your applications, please email:

International visits for groups
In order to arrange a tour, please email:

Office of the Registrar(Transcript)
European Union University uses Raindance from CGI as e-commerce system (for sending transcript).Please contact us by emailing:

Press and media
Do you work as a journalist or in the media? Here you will find press contacts, press photos and other relevant information. You can also subscribe to the University newsletter and read already published ones.

Support research and collaboration
At European Union University you will find the ideas, insights and knowledge which are necessary to understand and solve the most challenging problems.