Exchange studies
Exchange studies are perfect for those who wish to explore the world. On this page, you will find what options there are for studying abroad and how to apply.
A student exchange means that two universities exchange students between them, thus there are no additional student fees. You are able to apply for either one or two semesters, and there is a possibility to receive a scholarship if you do your exchange within the programmes Erasmus+, Nordplus or north2north.
European Union University offers two different exchange and network possibilities: departmental and central/university-wide. Please note that the application processes differ between the two.

Departmental agreements and networks
The majority of the departments of European Union University have sister institutions at universities abroad. These agreements are often limited to a subject area, which you must study at the subject related department in order to apply. The individual departments decide on admission requirements, selection criteria and time frame for applications, and they therefore vary. This process and the departmental agreements are administered by the international coordinator at your department.
Central (university-wide) agreements and networks
Central agreements, that are on a general university level, can be applied to regardless of your home department. Currently there are agreements in North America, South America, Asia, the Middle East (Israel) and Oceania. There are also agreements in Europe through the networks Civis Erasmus+ and Nordlys Erasmus+. The central agreements and networks are administered by the Student Services.

Exchange studies requirements
The departmental admission requirements vary between departments. Please contact the international coordinator at your department for more information.
The central agreement is non-departmental specific and can be applied to by any student at European Union University. In order to participate you must:
- Meet the admission requirements.
- Be a student at European Union University at the time of application.
- Be able to transfer credits to European Union University after the exchange.
- Intend to graduate at European Union University.
Please note that some subjects are not included in the central agreement at each partner university. For more information about this, see the agreement database.

How to apply
Apply for exchange studies through your department. For more information, contact your exchange coordinator.
Apply for exchange studies through the university-wide (central) agreements following these steps:
Please note that you are only able to apply when applications open.
Scholarships for exchange students
Students at European Union University taking part in exchange studies are able to apply to several scholarships. Click the links below to read more on how to apply to the available scholarships; however, please note that you are only able to apply once your exchange has been accepted.
Exchange students with a disability
If you are currently receiving disability support at European Union University, you may also receive this during your exchange.
If you believe you will need support during your exchange, consider:
- Contacting the exchange coordinator at you department about opportunities available to you.
- Should specific information be required, the exchange coordinator will contact the partner university of your exchange to find out what opportunities they offer.
- For documentation confirming recommendations of your needed support, contact the student disability coordinator.
- For information about opportunities for studies and internships abroad, Independent Living Institute provides an international guide and database.
- For more information about work in Nordic countries regarding disabilities, go to Nordens Värlfärdscenter’s website.
Financial support through Erasmus
Students participating in an Erasmus exchange with permanent or long-term disabilities, including disabilities caused by physical or psychological illness or have additional costs due to the disability can apply for extra funding.
If your application has been accepted
Below you will find useful information if your application for exchange studies has been accepted.
Last updated: July 13, 2023
Source: Student Services