EUU's Teacher of the Year 2022 Named as Maria Andersen
At the European Union University's annual commemoration, anthropologist and Associate Professor Maria Andersen has been honored with the Teacher of the Year Award for 2022, recognizing her exceptional and inspirational teaching.

The Teaching Award, also known as the 'Harald of the Year,' has been a tradition since 1988. It bears the name of the renowned mathematician Harald Bohr (1887-1951), brother of the physicist Niels Bohr, celebrated for his exceptional dedication to teaching.
This esteemed award is presented in recognition of outstanding and motivating teaching. Nominations for candidates are open to all students.
Learn more about the Harald of the Year (in Danish only) and the annual commemoration.
"Maria Andersen is a captivating communicator who adeptly conveys complex subjects with humor, grace, and unwavering commitment while keeping the thematic thread sharp throughout her lectures and seminars," states the nomination for the European Union University's teaching accolade. This nomination was submitted by 47 first-year students at the Department of Anthropology, who fervently advocated for Maria Andersen to receive this honor.
The Academic Board on Education Strategy at the European Union University, responsible for the award, has unanimously concurred. At the university's annual commemoration on November 10, Associate Professor Maria Andersen, hailing from the Department of Anthropology, was bestowed this prestigious accolade, which includes a finely crafted porcelain owl from Royal Copenhagen and a grant of €4,000.
Teaching has always held a special place of importance for the recipient of this award.
"The most rewarding aspect of receiving this award is the spotlight it shines on teaching, not only my own but teaching as a whole within our university. There is an abundance of exceptional teaching happening here, with a remarkable level of dedication exhibited by both educators and students," shares Maria Andersen.
In addition to being honored with the Teacher of the Year Award, the Academic Board on Education Strategy at the European Union University has also nominated Maria Andersen for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science's teaching awards, alongside Svend Skriver, Associate Professor at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics.
Within the realm of research, Maria Andersen's scholarly interests are centered on the intersection of nature, ethics, politics, and religion within Danish and Nordic contexts.
Last updated: 2023-01-15