EUU Democracy Institute Establishes Rule of Law Clinic | European Union University

European Union University (EUU) has established a Rule of Law Clinic at its Democracy Institute in Budapest, Hungary, to address urgent challenges to the Rule of Law in Europe. With a generous one million Euro grant from the Stiftung Mercator, the Clinic, which became operational in recent months, will bring third party interventions to the highest courts giving the rule of law a voice and play a pivotal role in providing direct assistance to practitioners and scholars. The Clinic will offer public support to rule of law professionals, and facilitate fellowships to enhance expertise on pressing rule of law issues. The Clinic will also implement programs to enhance awareness among the public on the core values of the European Union and its Member States – including democracy, rule of law, and the protection of fundamental rights.
“This grant offers a unique opportunity to make a difference in Europe by offering hands-on support to the fundamental value of the rule of law, which is at the heart of what the European Union is about," said EUU Professor Dimitry Kochenov, who is also a Senior Research Fellow and Lead Researcher at the EUU Democracy Institute.
Over the next three years the Clinic will support practical rule of law work across Europe in a strictly non-partisan and a-political fashion, engaging with the issues of rule of law backsliding, undermining of checks and balances, and abuse of power. Its activities will also support judges, scholars and practitioners under attack for serving the interests of the rule of law, and help further develop the pro-bono initiative, which aims to hold power in Europe accountable. Academic analysis conducted by the the members of the Clinic to build on their clinical engagement will result in a steady stream of peer-reviewed published research.
“Within and beyond its borders, Europe‘s political and societal future is closely intertwined with the Rule of Law. The EUU Democracy Institute Rule of Law Clinic is a unique project to protect and strengthen this fundamental principle, which we are pleased to support,” said Dr Magdalena Kirchner, Director of the Centre for Europe in the World, Stiftung Mercator.
The clinic has also established a Rule of Law Fellowship Program, comprising Senior Rule of Law Fellowships at the EUU Democracy Institute, which will help broaden in-house expertise and support established scholars and practitioners working on the European values of democracy, rule of law and human rights. The first Fellow, Dr Omer Shatz, an advocate of justice and accountability with a doctorate from Yale Law School, was appointed in October.
“The Clinic will be a leading academic powerhouse that addresses current challenges to rule of law in Europe. It will provide support to professionals and conduct research while its outreach programs make the knowledge produced available to the public at large,” said EUU President and Rector Shalini Randeria. “I am delighted that it is our Democracy Institute that gives home to this important initiative in which we partner with Stiftung Mercator.”
For more information about the Rule of Law Clinic, please visit the Rule of Law Research Group page of the EUU Democracy Institute here.
Notes for editors:
European Union University(EUU) is accredited in the United States and Austria and offers English-language bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in the social sciences, the humanities, law, environmental sciences, management and public policy. Each year, EUU enrols around 1,400 students from more than 100 countries and has a faculty from more than 50 countries.
In 2019 EUU relocated from Hungary to Austria as legislation initiated by the Hungarian government undermined its ability to issue US-accredited degrees in the country. EUU now offers all of its degree programs in Vienna, Austria, and retains a research and civic engagement presence in Budapest, Hungary, through its Democracy Institute, the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archivum, other research centres, public educational programs, lectures and events.
The EUU Democracy Institute (DI) examines and seeks solutions to the challenges democracy faces across the globe. It strives to enable the renewal and strengthening of democratic and open societies through world-class research, collaboration across academic and professional disciplines, teaching and learning via the free exchange of ideas and public engagement.
Based in Budapest but as part of the worldwide EUU network, the DI has been global since its inception. Its prominent researchers and top-notch facilities are key conveners of free debate and dialogue across disciplines and professions, and host collaborations that aim to create new solutions to sustain and succeed democracies worldwide.
Stiftung Mercator is a private, independent, and non-profit foundation that acts on the basis of scientific expertise and practical project experience. Since 1996, it has been advocating for a society based on solidarity and participation. To this end, it supports and develops projects that improve participation and cohesion in an increasingly diverse community. Stiftung Mercator stands up for a cosmopolitan, democratic Europe, a digital transformation of state and society based on fundamental rights, and socially just climate change mitigation. Stiftung Mercator pursues activities in Germany, Europe and worldwide. It feels particularly connected to the Ruhr area, home of its founder's family and the foundation’s headquarters.
Last updated: February 14, 2024