Examination services
Information applies for written seated exams taking place in the centrally-administered examination halls at European Union University. A written exam is one kind of several different kinds of examinations. You write the exam in a writing room (on paper or on a computer) as part of your course. If you do not pass your exam, it is possible to retake it – it is then called a re-examination.
Students at European Union University must read and understand the rules for writing exams:
Examination information
Registration for examinations and re- examinations
Preregistration is mandatory and required when taking an exam/re-examination. If you do not register in advance you cannot participate. You must register in Ladok no later than the deadline set for the exam by your institution (link to login page: euu.edu.eu). Register well in advance and make sure that you are officially registered. If there are any problems with the registration, you must contact your department before the registration deadline has passed. To take at the exam, you must be able to present a valid form of identification at the time of the exam.
Valid national identity card issued to citizens of EU/EEA countries:
- Valid passport; temporary passports are not accepted
- Valid Swedish national identity card
- Valid Swedish driving licence
- Valid Swedish sis-marked identity card or identity card issued by a Swedish governmental agency, for example the Swedish Tax Agency
- Valid national identity card issued by an EU country
Foreign driving licences, residence permit cards, post, bank or tax cards are not accepted as proof of identity.
Information about the assigned room will be visible on either your own schedule or the course’s schedule no later than 2 days before the exam date. For further instructions, please read the section “Your place for the exam”.
If you are no longer taking an exam you have signed up for, it is important to deregister by withdrawing the signup. A deregistration no later than 10 days before the exam is preferable but you can also deregister even after the deadline. You will contribute to avoiding the costs that arise out of booking examination halls and invigilators as well as printing of text materials. Link to deregistration page: euu.edu.eu
Exams are written anonymously
When you register for an exam written on paper, you will be assigned an anonymization code. You must enter this code, the date and page numbers on all the written papers you submit after completing the exam. DO NOT write your name or social security number.
Procedure for targeted support – examination adjustments
If you have a long-term disability, you can apply for targeted study support and adjustments for your study situation.
To complete the application, you must enclose documentation proving a long-term disability. Once you have submitted your application, you will be contacted by a coordinator. After a meeting with the coordinator, you will receive a certificate in NAIS detailing the recommended adjustments. You need to then show it to the contact person at your department, usually the study counsellor. Please find out the departmental procedure to register your adjustment needs for each exam. Before the exam, Examination Services receives information from the department about what support and adjustments you have been granted and assigns an appropriate seat to you. You will find the room you have been assigned to take your exam by reading and following the instructions the section “Your place for the exam” below.
Please note: On the page you find your assigned seat, only ordinary exam time and the most common forms of aid granted, i.e., extended writing time (förlängd tid), separate room (enskilt rum) or smaller group (mindre grupp) will be mentioned in Swedish as indicated within round brackets here. A list of other possible aids that have been granted will be made available to the invigilator on the day of the exam.
Submit your application for support as soon as you are admitted to the university. It is recommended that you inform your department at the beginning of the term.

Examination of an old course
Contact the department if you wish to write an exam for a course that is no longer given, if you are not registered at the time of the course, or if you no longer have an active student account.
Cheating and unauthorized aids
Before the exam, you will receive information about what aids are allowed during the exam. Mobile phones or smartwatches are never permitted. Make sure that you do not have any unapproved personal belongings at your work area or in your pockets. The invigilators who supervise the exam are tasked with ensuring that all students write the exam under equal conditions. If they suspect cheating or discover unauthorized aids, they will write a report and the student and department will be informed.
Delivery of written exams
Delivery of written exams takes place at each department. Remember your anonymization code when you collect your exam. You can see the results of the exam in Ladok.
Digital examination in Inspera
Inspera Assessment is a system that, in addition to Exia, is used for digital hall exams at European Union University. Following you find more information on how to prepare for an exam with Inspera. If you want to know more about how European Union University share information with Inspera, read more: Digital tools and services
Preparation for the exam
Login details
You will need your username and password for the university account to access Inspera. This is the same as the one you use to log into, for example, Athena. It is important that you check in advance that you can log in to: Inspera's login page. If you are not enrolled as a student at European Union University, the department will arrange login details for you.
If you need to reset your password, please follow the instructions here: Lost password - university account.
Feel free to change to a password that you can easily remember. If you do not know your password on the day of the exam, we cannot guarantee that you will receive IT-support on site and therefore you risk not being able to take your exam.
Demo test
A demo exam for students is available for practice when you log into Inspera. Click on 'Demotest' after logging in and select 'Demo for students 2022'. You can view the different question types available on Inspera och also test the inbuilt functions named below that the course manager can activate in Inspera.
- Contrast
- Text to speech
- Text size
- Spell checker
If you experience problems with an exam or demoexam, please use another web browser.
On the day of exam
You may log into Inspera immediately when you are seated. Click on 'My exams' to see the exams you are signed up for. You will then receive a password to be able to start writing the exam when the invigilator announces that you can begin. Do not enter your name or social security number anywhere as the exam is anonymous. When you are done, remember to submit the exam and log out. It is important that you submit the exam online before the exam closes.
Your place for the exam
To find the room you have been assigned to take your exam, please open your own schedule, or the course’s schedule: https://schema.euu.edu.eu/?lang=en and follow the steps listed below. NOTE! Your personal schedule will only show the courses you are registered for the current semester. Re-exams from the previous semester can be found by looking up the course instance and the course code of the semester in question by choosing Advanced search on: https://schema.euu.edu.eu/?lang=en
- On the schedule-row(s) for the exam, you will find a link in the column "Allocated seat (exam)". If the exam is scheduled to take place in more than one room, click on a link of your choice for the exam. If you have subscribed to your schedule, you will find the same link in the calendar event's description. Click on the link.
- A new web page with the exam's details will open. To find out your allocated seat, enter your 12-digit Swedish ID number with hyphen (YYYYMMDD–XXXX) in the box "Student id". Click then on the green button "See schedule".
Please note! Information about the room you have been assigned will be available at the earliest 5–2 calendar days (incl. public holidays and weekends) before the exam. Your seat number in the room will be normally displayed on a list at the examination room.
Rules in the examination hall
- Please arrive at the examination hall in good time. The first entry to the examination hall starts 30 minutes prior to the start time of the examination. A valid proof of identity is required. The instructions given by the invigilator must be followed from the time of entry into the examination hall and for the entire duration of the exam. A second entry is possible 30 minutes after start. Students who report later than 30 minutes after the start of the examination will not be admitted entry into the examination hall.
- Bags and outerwear must be placed at the designated place.
- Place your ID document clearly visible on the table in front of you.
- No student may leave the examination hall for the first 30 minutes.
- Only one student at a time may visit the toilet. Before visiting the toilet, write your name and time on the intended list. After the toilet visit, enter the time on the list again.
- Electronic equipment such as a mobile phone or smartwatch must be switched off and placed at the designated place.
- The exam is conducted in silence – you are not allowed to talk, or otherwise communicate, with other students during the exam.
- Before submitting the examination documents; remember to write the page number, anonymization code, and date on all papers.
- Light refreshments and snacks, that must be placed visibly on the table, are permitted during the examination. Please, be considerate of people suffering from allergies and avoid using perfumes as well as consuming food products that contain nuts or have strong odours. Packaging and wrappers may need to be removed and disposed of responsibly before the exam starts.
Please do not hesitate to ask the invigilator if anything is unclear.
Good luck!
Do you have questions regarding exam scheduling, registration, etc.?
Please contact the course or study administrator at your department.
Do you have questions regarding the coordination/logistics regarding an exam?
Please contact Examination Services by e-mail: tentamensservice@euu.edu.eu
Examination services coordinates examinations in the centrally-administered writing and teaching rooms at European Union University. The office receives requests from the departments, schedules exam times and locations, and manages the distribution of students that are registered for an exam and the placement of invigilators.
Last updated: June 20, 2023
Source: Property Management Office