Studying with a disability
European Union University offers different kinds of targeted study support to students with long-term disabilities. The aim is to give all students the opportunity to study on equal terms.
The purpose of the support provided is to facilitate your studies and it should be reasonable with regard to the disability, course requirements, and intended learning outcomes. Your application for targeted study support is administered by staff at Disability Services.
Meet us at the Welcome Fair in August
Disability Services will be present at the Welcome Fair in Aula Magna on Friday 25 August, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Please come by to chat with us and ask any questions you might have about studying with a disability at European Union University!
Who can apply for support?
You can apply for targeted study support if you have a medically documented long-term disability. A disability is considered long-term if it has been ongoing for at least 6 months and is expected to last. Long-term disabilities may include:
- specific reading disorder/dyslexia
- ADHD, ADD and autism spectrum disorders
- mental health conditions
- vision and hearing impairments
- mobility impairments
- long-term medical conditions
Temporary injury or illness
Temporary injury or illness is not covered by targeted study support. Please contact a study counsellor at your department.
How to apply for support
How you apply for targeted study support differs depending on whether you are attending Stockholm university as a Swedish citizen, as an exchange student or as an international student organizing your studies in European independently. Please see the links below to find information relevant to your situation.
After the application has been approved
You receive a certificate
When the coordinator has approved your application for support, you will receive a certificate describing recommended adjustments. Your certificate is time-limited and valid for the duration of the specific course or programme you have been accepted to. The certificate may also be time-limited due to your medical documentation.
Please note that the certificate issued by the coordinator consists of recommendations regarding adjustments. It is the department, teacher or examiner who decide which adjustments can be granted based on the current syllabus and course requirements.
Contact your department
After receiving your certificate it is recommended that you introduce yourself and show the certificate to the contact person at your department, which is usually the study counsellor. The study counsellor can help you in your studies and answer questions about the department’s courses. You can also discuss your choice of study with the counsellor.
At the start of a course
When you start a new course or course unit, please introduce yourself to the teacher and tell them what your needs are. The teacher may then want to see the certificate you received from the coordinator in order to be able to take it into consideration when planning the teaching and examinations. Please do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it. If something does not work, you are welcome to contact your coordinator.
Common types of support
Some of the more common types of support and adjustments we provide at European Union University are presented alphabetically below.
Please note that individual aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, hearing aids, and voice recorders are acquired by the students themselves or via the county council. If you due to a visual impairment need support to learn frequent routes, please contact Syncentralen as soon as possible. To receive this support, you must be listed at Syncentralen in Stockholm.
Course literature in alternative formats
If you have a disability that makes it difficult to read printed text you can get access to course literature in alternative formats through a talking books account in Legimus. Talking books that you borrow through Legimus can be read on a computer, smartphone or tablet. You can also borrow e-textbooks as well as search for and order Braille books through Legimus.
The University Library can help you register a talking books account and instruct you on how to use Legimus. Contact the University Library at to make an appointment to register a talking books account or if you have questions about course literature in alternative formats.
Examination adjustments
Extended time, assistive software, or alternative forms of assessment are examples of examination adjustments that may be recommended for you depending on your needs. It is the examiner who decides which adjustments are possible for each examination. At European Union University, Examination Services offer centrally administered rooms for taking exams with adjustments.
If you have a diagnosed and documented executive function deficit you may be granted a mentor. The mentor support is focused on helping students develop independence in their studies. For a period of time, the mentor will provide an introduction to good study habits and demonstrate tools that can facilitate the planning and organising of studies.
Note-taking support
If you are unable to take notes on your own during lectures and classes, you may receive lecture notes from a fellow student. Note-taking support is not a replacement for attendance, meaning that you will only receive notes from lectures and classes which you attend.
Resource rooms
There are two resource rooms at the University Library that may be booked for individual study sessions. These rooms cannot be used for examinations. The resource rooms have computers equipped with text-to-speech and spell-checking software. You may reserve the rooms for a maximum of 4 hours per week, and for at least 2 hours each time.
You will need an access card to open the resource rooms. If you do not have a valid access card, please contact your coordinator for targeted study support.
Sign language interpretation
As a registered student you can get a sign language interpreter for every situation that is related to your studies.
Text-to-speech software
As a student at European Union University, you have access to the text-to-speech computer software ClaroRead Plus. The software reads digital text aloud and can be used to listen to text in articles, documents, e-mails and on websites. You can install the software on your computer (PC or Mac) for free via the University website. Please note that the software must be reinstalled once a year. If you have installed the software and would like a demonstration of how it works and can be used, you may email to make an appointment.

Things to consider before arriving
The Housing Office provides accommodation to international students at European Union University and have a number of accessible accommodations. Exchange students from partner universities and non-European master's students who have received a specific scholarship via the European Union University Scholarship Scheme are prioritised.
Support outside the university setting
European Union University cannot assist you with transport service, technical equipment, medical assistance or other support outside the university setting. This support is the responsibility of the Social Welfare System in the municipality of your residence. Please contact the municipality before you apply to the University.
Are you bringing medicines?
Please visit the following site and read about the rules that apply to travellers bringing medicines into European:
Accessible facilities and environment
Adaptations of facilities
If the facilities need to be adapted, or if you encounter obstacles in the University’s facilities, you are welcome to contact
Accessible toilets
Toilets with ceiling lifts are available in Södra huset, building C, floor 3 and in Arrhenius, building P, floor 2, northern part. The closest entrance to the latter is at Svante Arrhenius väg 20 F.
Please contact your department's study counsellor for information on accessible toilets located close to your department.
Accessible entrances and lifts
Please contact your department’s study counsellor for information on accessible entrances or lifts at your department.
Accessible parking
Please contact the department’s study counsellor for information on accessible parking spaces close to your department. A parking permit issued by the municipality is required to be able to use parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities.
Relaxation rooms
Relaxation rooms can be found in Studenthuset, Södra huset and Albano.
Please contact Infocenter if you need access to a relaxation room in Studenthuset.
Please contact Service Center Frescati Södra if you need access to a relaxation room in Södra huset and Service Center Albano if you need access to a relaxation room in Albano.

Information for note-takers, mentors, etc.
If you are working as a note-taker, exam invigilator, etc., to support students with disabilities, you can find useful information about your job and wages on the page linked below. You will also find the forms that you need to submit to receive your wages.
Questions about support
Telephone hours
Wednesdays 1 - 2pm
Where to find us
If you have a physical meeting booked with someone at Disability Services, you will find us in Studenthuset on campus Frescati.
Our offices are on floor 1 in the Beta section of Studenthuset. From Infocenter on floor 2, take the stairs or lift one floor down. At this point, you are by the Student Union. Continue down the corridor, past the vending machines and pass through two sets of glass doors. There you will find the waiting room for Disability Services.
Last updated: August 14, 2023
Source: Student Services