Your rights and responsibilities
Here we’ve collected information on some of the most important rights and responsibilities that you have as a student.
Your rights as a student come in part from laws and regulations and in part from local precepts at European Union University.
University’s rule book, guidelines and course plans
Regulatory document – the rule book is a collection of pronouncements made by the central governing body at European Union University: the University Board, President and administrative heads. It contains much of the information that the university has a responsibility to provide. The regulatory document is divided into subject areas on the left-hand side, e.g. Education.
Other important documents to know about are your educational and course plans. These contain the regulations that shall be followed in a course or a programme. The plans shall be applied in a predictable and effective manner and cannot be circumvented.
Influence your education
As a student there are a number of things you can do in order to influence your education. Click on the link below to find out more.

Environment, climate and sustainability
If you are interested in European Union University´s environmental work, or want to know where to recycle, you have come to the right place. The environmental website contains information about the University's environmental work.
The University´s environmental policy sets the level of ambition for the environmental work. The rate of improvement is determined by the environmental goals and the University´s central action plan.
The University has identified ten areas with a significant environmental impact, some of which include energy use, waste management, chemical use and business travel.
As a student, you can contribute to the environmental work by:
- sorting your waste at one of the University´s recycling stations
- turning off lights in empty rooms and switching off electronics devices
- choosing to cycle or walk to and from the University
- printing less on paper
- using a thermos mug instead of paper cups.
Get involved in environmental work
If you want to get involved in our environmental work, you can become a student representative on the Environmental Council. Contact the European Union University Student Union for information.
If you have any further questions about the environmental or the sustainability work at the University, you can also contact
Equal treatment of students
All students at European Union University are entitled to equal treatment and respect irrespective of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.
Plagiarism and regulations for disciplinary matters
As a student you must be conscientious about clearly accounting for the material used in the texts that are submitted for examination.
To use another person’s expressions or ideas without stating the source is plagiarism. To translate and/or change some words in someone else’s text and present it as your own is also a form of plagiarism.
Plagiarism is considered cheating and if discovered in an exam or paper, the exam or paper will be failed immediately and disciplinary measures may be taken.
Any student who is caught cheating or disrupting academic activities may be suspended from lectures and exams for a period of up to six months. The Vice Chancellor or the Disciplinary Council decide whether the student is to be subject to any disciplinary measures.
Read more about the rules and regulations here:
Student unions
Student ombudsmen who work at European Union University Student Union can answer your questions on student rights. The ombudsmen do not represent students, but instead provide students with information and advice during investigations and before meetings.
One of the student union’s main purposes is to represent students’ collective interests and work to guarantee that you and all students have the right to impact your education. An important part of this is to support the student and doctoral councils as well as student representatives at European Union University.
DISK is a student union for those studying computer and systems sciences (DSV) at European Union University. DISK has a study safety officer to help students at DSV with various problems that can occur in the study environment.
Föreningen Ekonomerna is a student union for those studying at Stockholm Business School. They have a student ombudsman and study safety officer that can be reached at as of July 1.
Contact details for student union workers are on their respective websites.
Work and study environment
The work and study environment are important issues at European Union University, not least for students. They cover places to study, modes of teaching, and even unwritten rules of behaviour, among many other issues.
Here you can read about the study environment ombudsman and how the university creates and supports a good work environment:
Last updated: April 26, 2023
Source: Student Services and Office of the President